Jeane & Ken

November 23, 2024 • Natchez, MS

Jeane & Ken

November 23, 2024 • Natchez, MS

Our Story

Our Love Connection

Finding that one person who is meant to be your soulmate in a sea of over four billion people is such an amazing thing. This is OUR STORY. . .

Ken and I met while he was visiting his mom in Tucson. We happened meet on a random night at a restaurant in downtown Tucson. After exchanging niceties for a bit, we decided to exchange information and see each other on one of his next trips to Arizona. Ken had lost his wife unexpectedly during a surgery and at the time I had been separated by 3-years. It quite simply felt as if fate had brought us together!

On our first date, he took me to Fleming's steakhouse. I was impressed that he was truly a southern gentleman. He opened my car door and asked that I allow him to open all the doors. Of course, I quickly consented! That evening it seemed as if time stood still for me as we shared each other’s life journey.

The next morning, I received a text from him asking if I would like to meet for breakfast. I remember the excitement that overcame me when I read his text, as I was secretly looking forward to spending more time with him. After breakfast, we walked thru a beautiful garden while talking and laughing. Ken told me that he knew if I had not answered his text that morning, he would assume that I did not have the same feeling of an immediate connection he did from our date the night before. Of course, I did have that exact feeling of an instant connection with him. It was a beautiful morning, and we still refer to our conversations from that day.

And for me, I never dreamt I would be blessed to find another beautiful lady that I would have such a connection with. But I did, in fact find my second soulmate and she came into my life at just the right time. Stephanie is an amazing, beautiful, kind, caring, loving lady. She is a wonderful mother of three beautiful children. I know without a doubt that I am the luckiest man on earth.

Ken returned to Tucson multiple times a month over the next six months, which allowed us time to get to know each other better. During those visits, I could see that my children Nicholas, Dominica, and Max genuinely liked him. Then, last summer Ken asked if I would like to travel with him to Europe. He had planned a trip to visit multiple countries by train. I was so excited to be able to say YES! We traveled to twelve different countries, and I was able to visit cities that I had only dreamt of and or seen in pictures and movies. Ken and I developed a deeper bond on that trip that we recognized as real love, and we felt that we were absolutely meant to be together. We knew that there would be challenges ahead in blending our lives as well as our families but the love we have for one another is worth the work we will have to put into it. Our life story together is just beginning to be written. We are excited with anticipation to enter the next chapter of our love story.

We want to thank each of you for your consideration of taking your time and expense to come to Natchez, MS to celebrate our love for one another.

With Love,

Ken and Jeane